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European Parliament President Martin Schulz on Junior Enterprises

“I want to congratulate JADE for its involvement in encouraging entrepreneurial skills in Europe. Thanks to you, more than 280 junior enterprises in 14 European countries bridge the gap between academia and the real market. In addition to their studies, 22.000 students are practically involved into the running of non-profit SMEs in Europe: that is an impressive number of young Europeans learning how to become entrepreneurs, and moreover discovering social entrepreneurship…”

The Junior Enterprise Concept

A Junior Enterprise is a non-profit organization, formed and managed exclusively by students of higher education, which realize projects, in relations to their fields of studies, for companies. They apply their theoretical knowledge on real problems of the market, develop their entrepreneurial skills by running the association and benefit from the guidance of teachers and professionals. Junior Enterprises are similar to real companies, counting with the principles of corporate governance like management council and executive board.

Junior Entrepreneurs
Junior Enterprises
countries in Europe
cumulated turnover
projects per year
years of experience

JADE and the JE Network

JADE is the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises: is an international, non-profit umbrella-organisation of associations across Europe established and managed solely by students.We currently have Junior Enterprises in 14 countries in Europe and in over 40 countries around the world, with over 40,000 Junior Entrepreneurs around the globe.

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Europe's future is in the hands of its young people. It is your energy and creativity that will produce the new ideas and start-ups of tomorrow. Europe's Junior Enterprises are leading the way.

Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission

As we face these challenging economic times, it is vital that both Industry leaders and European Union leaders nurture the entrepreneurial spirit and skillset of the young people of Europe. Microsoft embraces the urgency of this entrepreneurial challenge. We view partnerships such as the one with JADE as a vital first step in addressing these challenges.

Regina Murray Educational Sector Director of Microsoft Western Europe

We need the build bridges between the academic world of education and training on one side and the practical world of enterprises on the other side. JADE is doing an excellent job in this respect by offering students the chance to gain experience as entrepreneurs. This is why EUROCHAMBERS supports and promotes this initiative.

Arnaldo Abruzzini Secretary General of EUROCHAMBRES

JADE has clearly recognised the important connection between education and business which I fully support. Education is a vital component in creating a prosperous society where both human endeavour and comfort can thrive and giving students a chance to experience and learn entrepreneurial skills as part of their studies must be of vital assistance. The initiative created by JADE can only help students to learn entrepreneurial skills and help prepare those who will eventually choose a career in business. I applaud the efforts of JADE!

Stelios Haji-Ioannou Founder of EasyGroup

I believe that Junior Enterprises represent a best practice to foster hard and soft skills, the development of an entrepreneurial mindset and of a proactive attitude: this is why I believe that a further spread of the JE concept in European countries would benefit both the students, the youth, and ultimately the society, and I encourage local institution to give to the JE movement support and recognition.

José Manuel Fernandes Member of the European Parliament

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